Some apps I've built

Rollerblading was my life as a teenager and well into my 20s but I've always felt it is underappreciated as an activity.

During the pandemic, I had some time on my hands so I decided to design, develop and release something to give some back to the sport I love.

Blade is a progressive web app where 1-4 players can challenge each other to a game of SKATE.

  • Frontend React
  • Hosting Netlify

At CaterCow we decided to use Vue.js (server-rendered via Nuxt.js) for our frontend applications due to its simple API, maturity and HTML template syntax - which was far more familiar to the rest of the team (Rails developers).

I had never written any Vue before but I've grown to feel really productive working with it. How did I get up to speed? Write a to-do app of course 😝.

  • Frontend Vue.js
  • Backend Google Firebase
  • Hosting Github Pages

So it turns out moving your life three and half thousand miles across the Atlantic is stressful. Who'd have known? I've started getting into meditation as a way to stay sane and chill out.

Breathe is a progressive web app that helps with mindful breathing by focusing your attention on a peaceful, animated scene. I build and deployed the whole thing via CodeSanbox - how cool is that!

  • Frontend React & Web Animations API
  • Dev CodeSandbox
  • Hosting Netlify

London is a big city. When I plan to meet my friends they inevitably suggest a "great place" conveniently located down the street from their house/work that would take me an hour to get to.

Meet in the Middle is a progressive web app that suggests the best spots that everyone can get to without losing the will to live 😝.

  • Frontend Good old JavaScript (ES6)
  • Libraries Extensive use of Google Maps & Places
  • Hosting Github Pages

I live in the UK - knowing if you are going to get wet is important, knowing the atmospheric pressure is not.

I designed and built this super simple weather app to quickly show me the things I care about and nothing else (and to learn the new React Context API).

  • Frontend React (> 16.3) progressive web app
  • Backend Node.JS (stdlib serverless functions)
  • Hosting Github Pages

I have this weird thing where I listen to white noise when concentrating on code reviews or when I'm stuck trying to understand how generators work for the tenth time. Also, I like to loop tracks with a driving beat when I'm "in the flow", programming.

I had been looking to check out Electron for some time and needed an idea for an app to build, hence how my strange listening habits became a simple menu bar music player.

  • Tech Electron (ES6 JS)
  • Hosting Github releases & Electron Builder

Squirrel is an awesome FinTech startup that helps people manage their money. I was the second hire on the development team and led frontend development and UI design, working super closely with the product team.

At Squirrel I thrived in an environment where interaction with users was a daily activity, be that through interviews, prototype testing sessions or helping out on customer support.

  • Frontend AngularJS 1.x web and mobile app (Cordova)
  • Backend Python (Flask API)
  • Hosting/CI Circle CI, Docker, Digital Ocean

More coming soon...